This is the second installment of a two part story about hiking San Francisco’s Crosstown Trail. To read the first installment, CLICK HERE.
I awoke for Day 2 of my Crosstown Trail hike at sunrise, feeling the past day’s mileage in my soles and also, my groin. Just before leaving Boston to hike the trail, I had gone cross-country skiing for the first time in two years and my adductor muscles were still going JESUS MAN. So in the soft light of my hotel room at The Mosser, I undertook an early morning ritual that I’d recommend for anyone going on a multi-day urban hike. I performed a bit of myofascial release on my soles and adductors by massaging them with a tennis ball that I had brought along for this purpose. I also decided to be more disciplined about taking regular breaks from hiking every two miles, to give my lower body a bit more of a breather from the pavement and the stairs I’d be climbing today.
Still, I knew it would take a little walking to warm up my soft tissues and transition into hiking mode. Thankfully, a bit of walking is required to pick up any urban trail again. By the time I reached the MUNI light rail station near the hotel, waiting for the train back to the Forest Hill station where I ended my hike the other day, I was ready.